Thursday, January 9, 2020

How to Humanely Get Rats Out of the House or Attic

Traps are commonly used and are generally effective if you don't just set and forget them. Rat traps should be set where rat signs are seen and in out-of-the-way, hidden areas, especially in attics or basements and near food sources. Always take care to keep traps away from potential triggering by children or pets. Killing rats in walls and ceilings can be challenging, as these spaces are the most inaccessible areas of your home.

how to deal with rats at home

Use a snap trap with an aromatic, flavorful bait to kill rats quickly and painlessly without creating a health risk for other animals. While there are broad similarities between exterminating Norway Rats and Roof Rats, there are also key differences. For instance, bacon is an extremely effective bait for other rats, but not for Roof Rats. Getting rid of black rats requires using baits that appeal to them, which generally consists of plant-based foods.


Rats can easily roost in the walls and travel through air ducts. However, rats need to consume a fairly large amount of baking soda for it to be fatal. Furthermore, the adaptability of their bodies means that they can become more tolerant of the concoction.

how to deal with rats at home

The rat enters, eats some of the bait, and leaves through the station's exit hole, then it dies . The bait is entirely contained inside the station so it is protected against accidental contact or ingestion by children or non-target animals. With that said, you’ll find many humane traps available online and in home improvement stores. But keep in mind that if you leave the rats in there for too long, they will die of dehydration and/or starvation. In some cases, poisons can simply be scattered outdoors, but generally, it’s best to use bait stations to prevent children and pets from getting into the poison. The goal is to continue placing these treats out for rats until they consume enough of it to reach toxicity and die.

How To Get Rid Of Rats Outside Your Home

Once you have identified active rat burrows outside your home, the rats may or may not be accessing your home in the night. Depending upon the severity of the situation and all of the circumstances, your Pest Management Professional can help you come up with a plan of attack. Many people choose to either implement a rat baiting or trapping program to eliminate the troublesome rodents.

how to deal with rats at home

Eliminating water sources in the home can naturally deter other types of rats, but won’t do much about a packrat infestation. One of the best ways to prevent rat infestation is to prevent them from getting into your house or apartment in the first place. If they see your home as a place that is difficult to get into and out of they will be discouraged from moving in. Maybe the thought of dealing with a dead mouse grosses you out more than handling a live animal, or maybe you don’t want to cause harm to the pests, even if they’re unwanted.

Use Baits & Poisons Outside

Rats are commonly known as scavengers, and they don't need much to survive. That being said, the 3 basic things they do need to survive, are things that humans also have/need. First and foremost, there are some basic things that can be done to keep rats out of your home. Whether it be providing counsel, content, or hands-on support; my goal remains to add value to the lives of the people I serve. Roof rats are smaller than Norway rats, with larger ears and eyes. Norway rats are often the larger of the two and are often more belligerent.

how to deal with rats at home

At Nextgen Pest Solutions, we’ve helped customers across the South protect their property and families from invasive pests. Our attention to detail and knowledge produce great results every time, and this is why we’ve earned a sterling reputation within our service area. If you live in GA, FL, or AL and suspect you have rat problems, reach out to Nextgen Pest Solutions.

D-Con Rat Bait

You can buy a bucket of poison rat baits at a local hardware store for about $25 USD. Rats always stay fairly close to their nests, so inspect your yard for any holes that weren't there before which may indicate a rat presence. Baits and poisonsshould only be usedoutsidethe home, as they are powerful chemicals that can be dangerous. If you place poison inside the house, rats can spread it around, making your home hazardous for all human and animal inhabitants. If you notice rats eating something specific in your home, you might consider baiting the trap with that instead.

how to deal with rats at home

You should constantly be on the lookout for any unaccounted for damage in your basement and attic to be aware of a rat infestation. Essential oils show up again in the formula for Rodent Sheriff’s Ultra-Pure Mint Spray – this time, as the name suggests, with mint as the primary scent. This spray claims that it is safe to use around children or pets, or in sensitive areas like a garden or a car. In addition to rats, it also repels mice, raccoons and a variety of insects.

There are refillable and non-refillable stations, and stations must be sold with a rodenticide in the package; you cannot buy it separately. Rats in the home can cause a great deal of damage, contaminate food, and carry disease. Mix all the above substances in a bowl and place the bowl near those locations where rats are frequently found. Ammonia is a super cleaning agent, but it acts as an excellent repelling agent to the rodents. If you want to use moth balls as a rat deterrent, make sure that you use a very generous amount of moth balls – more than you would with a mouse.

Rats can range in size from a mere 5 inches to the size of a house cat, although that’s rare to see. You’ll typically find them located near coastal areas in warmer climates. Another myth is how easily rats and mice can be fooled with cheese as bait. It's a common idea from famous children's animations, but truth is, rodents aren't crazy about cheese.

Other Natural Repellent Methods

The “claim to fame” for the Protecta LP Rat Bait Station is its discreetness. The shape of the station has multiple angles, making it suitable for placing in corners, against walls or in tight spaces. Protecta calls the bait station “low-profile,” and fits well into areas that may be too cramped for other stations. It is also fitting to use outdoors as it has a drain system and elevates the bait to avoid it getting wet. At the same time, bait traps may not work for rats, particularly for roof rats, because they present a new object in the usually familiar environment.

Most tree squirrels are active at both sunrise and sunset rather than during the warmer hours of the day or overnight hours. Squirrels fall prey to many nocturnal predators, so if you see a squirrel out at night, it’s probably running from something that’s trying to eat it. Rats are primarily nocturnal animals with sensitive eyes that bright light easily strains. They rely on a collection of other senses such as smell, hearing, and touch to navigate.

Killing Rats

Look for these telltale signs if you suspect you have rats in your home. Smith’s Pest Management helps residential and commercial customers throughout Northern California manage and control their rat populations. To keep your home and family safe, we offer arodenticide-free rat exclusion programthat will allow you to reclaim your space rapidly and completely. Smith’s Pest Management also works with commercial facilities to eradicate rats in an eco-conscious way. If you’re going to place your own traps, be sure you use plenty of them and that youposition the traps in high-activity areas.

how to deal with rats at home

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